An individual$%:s past history of borrowing and repaying and other information such as late payments collectively form what is known as his credit score. Whenever somebody applies for a cell phone, credit card, loan from a bank, or a loan from a store, the company which receives the application checks the previous credit history of the applicant. This check is made to assess the credit worthiness of the applicant.
Normally people with bad credit or those who don$%:t want their credit scores checked opt for pre-paid cell phones. Infrequent callers too can go for pre-paid cell phones. In this system, the charges will be calculated on the basis of the minutes used for a specific period of time. However, there are also no credit check cell phones available on the market.
Some of the credit challenges of a person can be solved through the use of no credit check cell phones. People with a bad credit score can opt for this type of phone. Since the charges for pre-paid phones are a lot higher than that of those with monthly plans, these types of cards are the best to purchase.
Most recent examples:
When a person makes a trip to the United States, he can rent a cell phone to use for the duration of the trip. Many cell phone firms come with special packages for travelers who do not have plans to stay in the US long-term. Normally, when buying a cell phone, it is mandatory to pay a rental, apart from the expensive air charges for the calls being made.
Apart from these things, the credit worthiness of the user will also be checked by the company. However, there are some companies that offer travelers cell phone services with reasonable charges. The most important aspect of these kinds of plans is that they don't require a credit check.
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